
Submissions for Issue Six: Solstice and the Solstice Essay Contest will close on Friday, February 28.

Issue Six is an issue all about cycles and change, light and darkness, tradition and folklore. Read more about the themed call here:

Submit prose + poetry

Submit visual art

Solstice Essay Contest

We're so excited to announce our second nonfiction writing contest! Here’s what to know about contest submissions:

  • 5,000 word count maximum

  • Open to personal essays, creative nonfiction, reviews of books/movies/TV, interviews/profiles

  • MUST relate to the theme of Issue Six: Solstice

  • Unlimited submissions with NO FEE

  • Winner receives $50 cash prize and guaranteed publication

  • All submissions will be considered for publication in Issue Six: Solstice

    Submit to the Solstice Essay Contest

What we publish

Soft Star is always open to submissions of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and art. We are especially looking for work that falls within the genres of soft science fiction, speculative fiction, slipstream, and futurism. Give us your future-facing, pondering, hopeful, otherworldly words. More on our ethos here, and submission FAQs here.

Soft Star Magazine
Submission FAQs
How does the Soft Star submission + publication process work? Soft Star accepts submissions on a rolling basis — no reading periods! Written submissions (fiction, nonfiction, poetry): If your submissio…
Read more

Though we specialize in "optimistic futurism," that doesn't mean we only want stories with happy endings. We view discoveries as a net positive, and the future has infinite potential for discovery. Don’t be afraid to submit surreal and uncanny stories, or even cosmic horror.

Some things we love:

Alternate universes, first contact, time and space travel, unexplained phenomena, afrofuturism/indofuturism/other culturally-specific futurist settings, philosophical themes, cosmic imagery, the overwhelming vastness of the universe, triumphs of the human spirit

Some hard sells:

Military sci-fi, cyberpunk/technoir (these tend to skew dystopian by nature), heavy technical sci-fi jargon, sexually explicit fiction. However, there is an exception to every rule. When in doubt, submit anyway.


While we are currently unable to pay all contributors, Soft Star does provide the following compensation to the writers and artists whose work we publish:

  • Free contributor copies of print issues (including shipping)

  • Access to paid subscriber posts here on Substack

  • Essay contest cash prizes for nonfiction submissions

  • The opportunity to have work re-published in future mini-zines (all written submissions are considered). Re-publication pays $15 USD.

Submission Fees

There is a submission fee of $2 for short fiction and poetry submissions to Soft Star (no fee for visual art or nonfiction/essay contest submissions). Every cent of these fees goes back into the magazine, primarily in the form of printing and postage costs for contributor copies of the print issues.

However, if your circumstances prevent you from being able to pay the fee and you feel strongly that your work would be a good addition to the upcoming issue, email the editors at to let us know, and we can work something out.